Author: janet behm (2 articles found) - Clear Search

Which Bills to Pay First in Your Business

Utah Real Estate Investors Association



“A lot of talented actors still have to pay their bills.” - Mark Wahlberg

Sometimes it seems like bills come through the door as much as customers do … And knowing which bills to pay in which specific order can be difficult. 

And just like some customers are worth more than others to your small business, some bills need quicker attention than others as well. You put things in priority order for your company every day. You should do the same for your expenses. 

We’ve got some thoughts on how to do that. 

Which bills to pay first and why

You’ve heard about keeping the lights on? It’s true. Whether your business relies on the internet, machinery, handwashing, or heating, your utility bills have to be near the top – if not always first – on your pay list.

You also need a place to work – there’s no debate if you arrive at the office one morning and find the door padlocked. Pay your rent. 


How To Market More Effectively In This "New Normal"

Utah Real Estate Investors Association



"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun." -Mary Lou Cook

I'll be honest ... I hate the buzz phrase "new normal".

None of us want this present reality to remain the permanent reality.

That said, I use it because I think you understand what I mean -- the ground has shifted under our feet.

So, what will we be doing about this?

I should state from the outset: I'm not a marketing guru. But, I keep my eyes open and notice what is working!

How do you do that?

1) Share Yourself
Chances are, you're not the only person selling what